JUDICIARY Latest Features

New Hon. Justices and Hon. Judges Sworn In

His Excellence the President of Uganda Mr. Yoweri K. Museveni on June 20, 2013 presided over the swearing-in of a record 25 new \r\njudges during a colorful ceremony at State House in Entebbe. The President said the Hon. Judges have a challenge to deliver services \r\nto the people through coordination and partnership with the police who do the \r\ninvestigations and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who bring in the cases. \r\n 


The out going Hon. Chief Justice Hon. Justice Benjamin Odoki commended the President for what he described as a \r\nrecord number of appointments and that it was a bumper harvest for the Judiciary. He cautioned the new Judges to stay in the Judiciary and not leave but build and serve their \r\ncountry




Below \r\nis the list of the new judges sworn in by President Museveni.




1. Supreme \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Amos Twinomujuni


2. Supreme \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Stella Arach-Amoko


1. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Lady Justice Solomy Balungi Bossa


2. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Justice Eldad Mwangusya


3. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Justice Rubby Aweri Opio


4. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Lady Justice Faith Mwondh


5. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Lady Justice Lillian Tibatemwa Ekirikubinza


6. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Justice Richard Buteera


7. Justice \r\nof Appeal – Hon. Justice Kenneth Kakuru


1. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Henry Peter Adonyo


2. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Margaret Tibulya


3. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Jane Elizabeth Alividza


4. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Godfrey Namundi


5. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Henrietta Wolayo


6. High \r\nCourt – Hon. JusticeDavid Batema


7. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice John Eudes Keitirima


8. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Henry Kaweesa Isabirye


9. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Elizabeth Kibula Kabanda


10. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Damalie Lwanga


11. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Lydia Mugambe Ssali


12. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Vincent Okwanga


13. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Alexandra Nkonge Rugadya


14. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Dr. Winfred Nabisinde


15. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Lady Justice Eva Luswata


16. High \r\nCourt – Hon. Justice Micheal Elub

Posted 21st, June 2013
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